Difference between lobe lift and pushrod lift

headsbikesmopars, I heard that you liked the heads that cheapstreet has on his car, well he didn't tell you but I'm the guy that built them into T/A heads. (from mopartech) I also built the heads for Mrmopartech as he will tell you. I won't get into ANY head disscussions as this is where a site can get vary heated, I have been into it with Curtis, Ryan, Dwayne and others and have helped people from California to Canada, but if you think that I don't understand this will be your misconseption as my list of credentials is long and very good, with Chrysler, Ford Motorsports.
As for doing heads and race engines I have been doing this for more than 25 yrs. and with Chrysler and Ford for more than 10 yrs., I was working with Loren Zydeek (Zeeker Racing componets) 15 yrs. ago when he was doing the W-5 and W-7 small block project with Chrysler as he was a engineer with them. He also was the first or one of the first to make a aluminum max wedge head for big blocks until another company bought a set and then copied them and called it there's. One of the heads that was copied from me was the twisted wedge from TFS as I owned the rights in 1991.
Most people start in the wrong place as mrmopartech and others have said, and every engine per the application needs to have different things done to the heads to get the most out of the engine. Some don't need as much and others need more but this depends on the engine and what is going to be done with it.
I'm done venting, and don't mean to offend anyone sorry if I did.

BJR Racing