F'n Insurance Co.

I need to vent a little about Hagerty Classic car Ins. I'm trying to put collecter car Ins on my Duster and Scamp so if some idiot wipes me out I can get replacemt value on the cars and stay in the hobby. Everything was going great til Hagerty seen on the app. for the Duster that it has Nitrous. I explained on the app. that I have never used it in the 11 years I've owned the car and soon as the weather broke I was going to remove it.
I get a call the next day from my Ins. rep and she tells me Hagerty won't insure the Duster until the Nitrous is off and may not at all! I called Hagerty personally and ask what the F---? They told me their underwriter is the one demanding this and there is nothing I can do. They said it looks good but,they can't guarentee anything. I told them if you don't insure both of them than you get nothing! I'll go with another Co.
So,on Thursday night in 20 deg. temps I went out in my garage and removed the solenoid,feed line,bottle and cut the wire. I took pics of the car without this stuff and I took pics of these parts on my work bench. I even had to write some hokey statement saying I will never put it back on the car.
Even after doing all this there is still a chance they may not insure the Duster! So the morel of this story boys and girls is if you have Nitrous remove before appraisel pics are taken and don't disclose it ever had it. So if they turn me down I will go to another Co. and not disclose the Nitrous issue. So much for honesty huh.