F'n Insurance Co.

Got another good one for you related to Haggerty Insurance. My father has 3 vintage cars. he has a 46 Mercury Convertible, 46 Ford Business Coupe and 29 Model "A" Roadster. All cars are restored to original and not rodded in any way.
About 3 years ago my father was taking the Model A to our local mechanic for it's NY State Inspection, a mandatory inspection due every year. When trying to make a left hand turn, a dump truck that was following him decided to pass on the left as he was turning, tearing the whole driver side of the car apart. Fortunately my father was just bruised and shaken, but the dump truck never stopped. When my father reported the accident to Haggerty, they failed to cover the accident stating the car was only supposed to be driven to special events, in parades, etc. and that driving it to the garage for it's mandatory inspection was not covered. My father ended up replacing the parts and repairing the car out of his own pocket. Needless to say, haggerty will never insure another of my father's cars and they sure as hell won't cover any of mine.
Since then, my father has heard similar nightmare stories from fellow old car enthusiasts, so he's not the only one. It's typical though. Insurance companies will look for any loophole to keep from paying out for claims. Just another way the average everyday American gets it rammed up his ***. :bootysha: