Should I keep these heads?
Stroked 340 said:"Riddler" "Voodoo'..Lunati sure has some cool names for their cams."
That particular cam was a cam that came out of the engine that was in the '69 Barracuda that won Stock Eliminartor at Pomona in 1969 (possibly 1970... I'm not certain of the year, but, it was one or the other.)
I had a friend who worked at Gary Ostrich's Nevada, Iowa machine shop, who did engine work for Chrysler Corp. on a "contract" basis. They built blueprinted engines for a lot of the "factory"-sponsored racers of the time.
One such car was the Barracuda of Mark Coletti, who had just won the Winters with his "Coletti Chrysler/Plymouth" dealership-sponsored F Stock Automatic, '69 Barracuda race car.
Having won that race, he wanted to change over to Super Stock, which requires a solid roller cam, so he sent the engine to Gary Ostritch (since he was on a "factory" deal) to change it over to a S/S motor.
Gary pulled the Lunati cam out of it (a special grind to pass Stock tech) and put it on a shelf and forgot it. A year or two went by and I needed a cam for my Valiant, so he sold me that cam... and a new set of lifters and springs.... all for $60.00, because it was used.
Mark Colleti's Barracuda was named "The Riddler." That's why that cam grind had that name.
Picked my car up about three car-lengths from the stock 340 cam....
Helluva deal for sixty bucks... LOL!