Need 4-speed Help

It's been awhile since I've posted any tests or progress, but the problem still persists. Have had the trans, SS, clutch assembly, and flywheel off several times and inspected everything. Even completely reassembled everyting without the trans and used a dummy input shaft and sleeve to check contact of the TO bearing to pressure plate and ensure the SS was aligned properly. Originally shortened the Z-bar about 0.5" and reworked to relengthen in an effort to gain back any lost through and imporve alignment to fork.

Initially, before starting the engine, the clutch seems to work well mechanically. With about 0.5" of play in the TO bearing to PP forks, there is good pressure and pedal feel/response; very strong pressure. After starting the engine and rear wheels off the ground, shifting through gears 1-4 and R, rotates the tires. Put on emergency brake, engine dies the first time, but not the second. Pedal then gets mushy and there's no longer any play in clucth fork. Oh yeah, replaced the ckutch disk as well.

This is a very perplexing problem and looks like it may be a bad pressure plate (Hays 30-012 3 roller assist) which is hard to believe since it's brand new. I even bench tested the unit with a crescent wrench to check the operation of the individual fingers and look for any uneven resistance or glitches.

This clutch problem is getting very frustrating and not looking forward to disassembling for a 5th time.. Wrote an email to Hays Tech Line for assistance or replacement/exchange instructions... Anyone know how to test a pressure plate?

Problem Refresher: Slipping clutch