Swingin' '73 Dart

When I test drove it, I noticed that the over-size tires were hitting the front fenders. It did not help that some of that bright trim molding (M26) was bent, probably from hitting before. I jacked the car up and gently persuaded the molding back into place with a small rubber mallet.

Checking for dead bodies before we take it home. Note to those in Arizona: we call this "Liquid Sunshine" and it's the kind we get most often in Washington.

On the drive home, we were hitting every stop light red I swear. Manual brakes are such a joy. Leaving one light my right foot must have thought it was pressing the brakes and the 'old blue lump under the hood managed to break both 235R60/15's loose. :snakeman: My wife said that all the SUV driving soccer Mom's gave me "the look" that clearly indicated they thought I was Trailer Trash. I told my wife I was going to grow a mullet. :twisted:

We made the drive across town on 3 year old expired plates with no tickets, and I pulled the 'wee beasty into the drive. Mrs. Frogpirate has already let me know I need to clean a space in the garage of the McMansion so that the Swingin' '73 can be hidden...err, kept out of the weather and our '09 Suby Forrester can sit outside. Fine with me! :-D