Help with paypal stuff?

great thanks for the you recommend the buyer pays me for the item and shipping before i send it out, or would it make a difference if i shipped it first and he paid me after i had shipped it?

Yes. It's much easier and better to get your money all at once. If you don't charge him the shipping first you may not get it from him after you ship it. Some guys may even get mad that you didn't charge them all at once. They may feel your asking for more money after the deal is done unless you make certain it is clear you didn't charge them shipping first. Even then your taking a risk not getting all the money. If your not sure what to charge him for shipping either take it to your local shipper (whoever you use) and get a shipping quote. You'll need his zip code for this. Or you may be able to just go on the shipper's website and put in all the info and get a quote.