Swingin' '73 Dart

Lest you think it's perfect, it's not. This will need to be welded up. This is typical on these, no?

Driver's side door jam, other side is OK.

After a lunch break and an episode of Top Gear, I spent the afternoon scrubbing. I'm really good at scrubbing, it's that Navy training. :pirate:

This is the bottom of the back seat "before". Note the cigarette burn on the left side, there is another one on the right side. :angry7:

And here it is "after". The blue-stain is from the seat belts.

I got the back seat all cleaned, and vacuumed the carpet and then crawled in the car and cleaned the back side panels. I pulled the arm rests and cleaned them up, and the ash trays. I used Simple Green to clean most everything, spraying it on full strength and then using a stiff brush to scrub. After scrubbing (twice in most spots) I rinsed with a clean sponge and bucket of water, and finally wiped everything down with a towel. I cleaned the ash trays with brake cleaner first, and then did the Simple Green / water treatment.

Whew, I need a break. I can never get the smile to sync with the timer. (Plus I was getting tired!).

And here is the finished product:

Not too bad for an afternoon's work. As you can see, even the back carpet needs replaced.

Ugly stain. But again, for a 36 year old car, it ain't that bad. Unfortunately the front seat is toast. There are springs broken and the cover is pretty worn out. I may take the cover off tomorrow and see if I can do anything with it, at least temporarily.