Help with paypal stuff?

If I remember right you can also refund any amount you wish back to the buyer. If they overpaid for shipping and you wish to refund the difference, it will return the money the same way they paid, either to credit card or to their bank. If they pay you with a credit card, you will be charged a fee.

Is PayPal free?

Question : Answer : You can sign up for a PayPal account for free, and there's no charge to transfer funds from your bank account to your PayPal account.

There are fees in other instances such as:
  • If you have a Personal account, you have the option to accept credit card payments. You'll pay a fee if you choose to accept a credit card payment.
  • If you have a Premier or Business account, you'll pay a fee to receive payments.

Yes signing up for PayPal is free and you can transfer money from your bank account to your PayPal account to use to pay for stuff for free but you are charged a fee anytime you accept a payment from anyone no matter what type of account you have, business or personal, and it doesn't matter where their payment comes from, their bank or credit card, you still get charged. I've been selling on E-bay and selling parts on boards for several yrs. and any time I accepted a payment from anybody I was charged a fee. Mine is just a personal account.

You are correct in that your able to do a partial refund for overpayment of shipping.