Sand Blasting Car -- what would you do?

I have a problme making a decision on sand blasting my Demon.

I have two options:

1) Pay someone to do the job...Got 2 estimates and both are about $1000 to do the whole outside, whole inside, hood, fenders, valance, deck lid, and doors. So basically the whole car.

2) Or I can buy a 20 gal blaster set up for $145 and do it myself. Kicker is I have an entire pallet (40) 80lb bags of black beauty blasting media for free. So The media is free. I also have a 10 hp compressor so air volume is no problem either. And disposal of the sand is no problem since I can get rid of it for free too.

Has anyone done a car by themselves? If so how long did it take you. less than a day 2 days? Anyone?

What would you do....I'm thinking go cheap....but trying to figure out what some others may think.
