360 flywheel

Here,s the problem and solution:
1)the swap is no big deal from 318-360.The problem is the way both motors are balanced.
2)the 318 is internally balanced,and the 360 is externally balanced,and requirers and off balanced flywheel to counter react the normal vibrations that occour in the motor.
3) forget about trying to find a true standard 360 flywheel,they are few and far between.
4)solution,you find a normal flywheel,you emaill me your email address and I forward you the drawing and specs the count drill the normal flywheel to turn it into a truly balanced 360 flywheel.
5)the specs and drawings can be found in the old mopar racers bible,if you can find one of them,as i have a couple of the old ones and the new set.
6) if you find a very good machinist,he will follow the instruction to the letter and you will have the flywheel you need,and will be perfect.
If the need more info on the flywheel,call me at 450 424 0445 or email me at [email protected]