Windage Trays; Good Or Bad

I think rumblefish360 is right on (BTW - 4 windows).

I had the opportunity to play with trays on a dyno and, while the differences were not big, every tray we tried added, never subtracted, HP. This is a on a 4" stroke motor with a 7 quart pan and the only issue we had at the time was trying to get the pan to work with 4 bolt mains (this was a while ago - I think there are alternatives now.).

I would think that any differences we had on a a dyno would be greater as oil sloshes around in a moving car but I can not prove that ... freakin dyno just doesn't tilt!


Tray 1 (Small).JPG

Tray on Engine Final 1 (Small).jpg

Tray on Engine Final 2 (Small).jpg

Tray on Engine Try 1d (Small).jpg