B & M shifter question

Break-in was a little nerve-racking (but I'm a worrier) Saturday we got 'er all set-up and it wouldn't fire up, didn't want to crank too much and wipe off all my cam lube. I had swapped some parts with a buddy for an Edelbrock hi-perf fuel pump he said he couldn't keep from leaking, I figured I'd give it a shot. This same buddy was helping me with start-up Saturday, he says "you know, I can't remember whether the fuel pump leaked, or never pumped fuel at all...all I remember is changing it out and problem solved". Alllllrighty then ... slapped a stock one on I had, rigged up 5/16 line vs the 3/8 and Sunday she lit off fairly quick .... couple of amateurs but we brought it up to 2500 got the timing close and ran 'er 20 minutes, good pressure, good temp, felt great beings I built the 340 all by my lonesome with a couple good books, DVD and alot of help here. All appears well with the exception of worthless valve cover gaskets (FelPro kit) and a trans pan leak. Need to resolve this shifter issue, allignment then have it all "dialed in" at a shop. I'll be posting story and pictures (start to finish) in a few weeks with a big thanks to all thet helped.