Snakes in the grass

hemifish69 said
I am so incredibly mad. There's a thread back on that has to do with the impending ban by the EPA on anything to do with private citizens getting hold of body/paint products with VOC's. Of course I expect the EPA and the treehuggers to be our enemies, but there's a member on there that claims to have a bodyshop, and is all for these regs to go thrugh so he can have a "level playing field". His position is "too bad for the guys that have the hands-on talent". He thinks that if we want to do this hobby, it's going to be paying people like him to do the fun stuff. I've about had it with Moparts anyway.

I understand your position,

And let me tell you I am NO tree hugger.I am an auto enthusist that uses these types of products .

But I think this ban is a good thing,Belive it or not probably all of the products your using say right on the lable for use only by proffetionals.

But it need to be better understood.What is there definition of who can still purchase? is it somebody using it for commerce?

I am in the refrigeration trade and they came in and regulated us in the late 80s earley 90s ,and all though it seamed like a bad thing it wasnt,
My thought are they should create a outline of why it needs to be regulated,And from that outline create a test for folks to become licenced in handeling the products.Also if your purchasing the product you must have a contract with some one to take away your waste products. Me personally what ever I have as waste (dont tell me you have no waste please) bring to the local shop who paints all of my cars.I know gaurenteed no polutents from me are going into our enviroment.
My biggest fear is that not every one is as dilagent as me in the waste products and our planet is being poluted.

So I am sure I may bee looked at like a tree huger but,this is a good thing if its done correct.