My wagon burned up sunday

..along with my left arm

on sunday i was removing my gas tank on my wagon gas was spilled and hit a trouble light ignigting my arm as well as my car :cwm10: my dad thankfully riped off my sweat shirt but i still have 2nd and 3rd degree burns to my left arm as well as some singed hair. my car went up in flames and is for now in the car graveyard(my backyard) the rear is burned pretty bad. my wheel cyl., brake lines. left rear tire, and all rear glass is broke :violent1: i was rushed to the er on sunday night at 6pm and i am now on the toad to recovery. :disgust: the car will eventually be turned into a dragster later on and tubed cause the damage is pretty bad. i have more of this story on here my arm is very sore and i can only type with one hand i'll explain it better later but for now i am going to take it easy.

one good thing that happened is that i asked my dad if he knew anyone who was selling any old cars he told me why dont you fix up that 67 gtx and put that extra 440 and trans in that. so that is a though for now :neutral: