Pet Peeve
My peeve's, Hmmm, I dont really like working under the dash either. I am a pretty big dude, been working out for 20 yrs etc, but i have actually found a comfy spot under the dash.
My scamp doesnt have a radio, so i can manage to get my head up under there, and actualy see what i am doing, leaning against the blower cover.
What i have always hated though, now dont get me wrong, i am a Mopar or no car guy, but the styling on early 70's A's and late 60's B's annoys me.
The flat concave styling along the belt line along the windows, my 70 Scamp as an example, and the 67 Satellite i had. I hate how after it rains or after you wash your car, and there is dew the next morning, the water collects and dries and it leaves dirty spots. GRRR.
On the red Satellite it wasnt as bad, but on my white scamp it just annoys me. Amazing Grape, here i come