Swingin' '73 Dart

Whew, that took forever. I put the seat back in the car yesterday afternoon, and bolted it down for now.

Back in the car! I swapped headrest's left for right so that the sun-baked parts (as you can see on the passenger's side) get a little break. If your wondering, the axle clips are 3/8" and in Portland, they cost < .50 at Parkrose Hardware. They also had the right size nylon washers to replace the very dried out fiber ones for the backs.

But wait, I got a little ahead of myself. First I covered the springs with burlap.

I sewed the burlap down to the springs with polyester thread. I added cotton batting around the edges, and a strip in the middle to make it a little higher. We aren't going to talk about me putting the cover completely on and then realizing the foam was sitting on the floor. No, we are not going to discuss putting all those hog rings on just to take them back off again! #-o

Cotton batting on edges and in middle to create "bucket" area's.

The bottom looks really good!

On Wednesday, my friend Sam brought up some MoPar parts he has been hording for many, many years. He figured he's never going to use them, so he donated them to my project. Sam is a _great_ guy! :love7:

Mmm, goodies!

I decided to poke around under the vinyl top where I thought there was rust under it. As expected, there was rust..a hole in fact.

Yeah, that's not going to buff out. I guess I'll be welding a patch over that.

I sold the wheels that came on the car Wednesday afternoon, and while waiting for him to come pick them up, I started cleaning under the hood a little.

It actually looks better in person!

Today, my order from Rock Auto came in. I ordered it Friday, so it took 1 day less than a week via ground. I was a little unhappy with how much shipping was, but shopping on-line is way easier than calling 3 shops to see who has the best price.

I posted a poll over in Tires & Wheels - go check it out and let me know your opinion.

Ken 8)