got dumped

Sorry to hear that. But hang in there...there is someone for everyone. Maybe you are looking too hard?

Met my wife in high school...we dated for years, lived together awhile and got engaged....We had been together for 11 years.....5 of those we were engaged.

We have been togther for 23 years now.....and have two amazing kids.

She isnt perfect, nor am I. In fact, between us I would say that I am the lesser perfect of the two.

We argue and have our little spats, mostly over stupid stuff *i* do or say....

But she somehow puts up with me and I couldnt imagine living without her. Its hard sometimes...we boith work and there is never enough time for "us" it seems.

The more important aspect is the bigger picture.

I cared for my lady from the day we met....but as time has moved on, that has become even stronger.

Some folks find the right person after dating just a short time, some take longer.

My advice? Be patient, be understanding and be realistic....that is when you first meet and after you have been together a while. If you are lookin gfor the perfect woman, you wont ever find her as there is no such thing IMHO. But I think that is what makes life interesting.

Oh, one other thing, my wife is actively helping me search for an old Mopar....looks like I found a keeper in her! LOL