Chrysler wants more money,or pulling out of Canada

Yes I agree Woody.

And they are using the media as the tool to lay blame with. Yet the only ones to ever pay the price are the workers of the middle class/and working poor.

In this particular century,there are more millionairs/billionairs than ever. The gap between the rich and poor is at an all time high. And people still believe the media when they demonize the unions. And upper management still goes home with record bonuses/perks and never has to take a pay cut.

Then the govt hushes us up by telling us it could be worse.

We are being manipulated.
Sorry my friend but in the case of the auto industry the unions not only need to be demonized, they need to be done away with completely. They are undeniably the major reason that American manufacturers can not compete. You can complain about CEO compensation all you want but that is not the problem. An examination of the industry shows American CEOs and other top execs making about the same as their counterparts in Europe and Japan. The cost of parts/supplies etc. are about the same. Where is the big difference? UNION LABOR costs. Here are the numbers for average labor cost from the U.S. Labor Department:

Chrysler - $75.86/hour.
GM - $73.26/hour.
Ford - $70.51 / hour.
Toyota - $47.60/hour.
Honda - $43.00/hour.
Nissan - $42.00/hour.

The UAW is killing the industry and there is simply no denying it. How are the American manufacturers supposed to compete when it costs them 55% - 60% more to build the same car?