Need 4-speed Help
ok first of all,,i highly doubt your dowl,scatter shield pins are that far out of wack,,im not saying there in the tolerences that todays clutch makers ask for,, but ide bet money the aligment isnt your problem at the moment,,, if you are going to check that, some one here or me,, i can photo copy you the same instructions for checking that that are posted here,,i would mail them to you,,the pic posted gives you the idea how to set up the dial indicator,notice in the pic one fly wheel bolt is out so the magnetic base can be flat on the crank,...
the reason i was asking you to remove the drive shaft im searching for answeres as you are,,if the drive shaft is out does the tail shaft rotate when in gear and running,,,
your pic of the Z BAR looks good,,as does the roller bearing,,if the tranny bolts up to your schatter shield all the way with out having to muscle it down to make it butt up to it,,then im pretty sure your input shaft and roller bearing are ok,,IF YOU REMOVE THE TRANS again look closely at the tip of the input shaft ,,,
next question,,have you ever driven this car with the current rear end in it ??
you say the wheels turn when the car is in the air,,have you tried to stop them from turning ?? idle the car put some gloves on see if you can stop the tires from turning,,,im wondering if some thing is bad in the rear end,,,
but you say the noise is in the scatter shield,very puzzling not being there to see it,,,
if you decide to realign the dowl pins i used lake woods on mine,,and i have a very old out of production scatter shield tha was made for these early A cars ansen was the brand name,,,
do you stil get the squeeling in gear with the Z BAR disconected ?