Need 4-speed Help
'64 Cuda - Thanks for the info. pettybludart sent me some pictures via email to use as a reference. Ordered some .07, .014, .021 offset dowels this afternoon from the local speed shops that should be in on Monday.
I get the measurement to align the center opening of the SS to the crank (X/Y Axis) and the offset dowels would correct that. Not sure I understand how to correct perpendicular (Z Axis) discrepancies; via a shim? Hmm...
fourspeed - Thanks for the picture, that helps. Early on, I picked up both a dial indicator and magnetic base for about $23 at Freight and Harbor (Local cheap tool/gadget store). But couldn't quite figure out how to attach/adjust properly, so you picture helps as a reference.
pettybludart - Thanks a bunch for sending the pics twice via email. The verbiage on the sheets help describe the necessary steps.
fstfish66 - Already have the instructions and references for measurements setup, thanks.
I was thinking the same thing as you, that it couldn't be the alignment, but probably need to scrutinize this a little more. The current stock alignment dowels are very short and the block plate doesn't sit evenly, so I usually need to bolt the SS on to make it sit flat. Plus, the current dowels are so short, they barely protrude beyond the plate to make contact with the SS. I can see them through the alignment holes on the SS, but not sure how much they're helping keep the SS aligned. I figured as long as it kept the plate aligned, the SS bolts to the plate so, should be ok. Hmm, maybe not...
- While the car is running, the rear wheels don't turn if trans is not in gear or if the clutch pedal is depressed
- The wheels only turn if trans is in gear and clutch is released
- With the car running, trans in gear, and engine rev'd, I can stop rear wheels with e-brake. Only time, squealing noise is heard; when the car is running, in 4th gear, e-brake on or under load, and engine is rev'd....
- Have only driven car down and up the driveway with the current rear end
Removed the trans again tonight for the 7th time; what am I looking for or inspecting on the input shaft? Seems like the misaligned SS might be the culprit. Any idea how to get the stock dowel pins out of the block?