Swingin' '73 Dart

frog, I admire and appreciate you helping out the little guys ... granted, I'm not exactly a guy :-D but am definitely in the group of small biz owners scraping and clawing a way to the top who need all the customers we can get. I'll go out on a limb, speak for everybody and say we all appreciate you doing business with us, the mom & pop shops of America.

The resto's looking terrific! You're well on your way to a fine ride.

Thanks Leanna. If the picture on your website is you - and I suspect it is - your defiantly NOT a guy, and not all that small where it counts! :snakeman: I've worked for international corporations and Mom 'd Pop company's; I know which one I prefer! Since being laid off (again) I've found that I really want to support my local business when I can, so they are there tomorrow when I need them. Sometimes though it does come down to price; if the local shop is way over priced, I have to listen to my wallet. :snorting: