Help! It won't move!!

Did you prime the converter and when you spun it to engage the pump did you feel any resistance? also what is the converter part number?
Part# is 18-20. I called Hughes direct and ordered it myself. I checked the number of spline teeth to the old one and it matched.
To cam64: Yes, I poured ATF into the torque converter before I installed it, but from what I read, fluid would have pumped into it anyways. But since I always prime my oil filters, I put fluid into the converter.
To Bobsdart: That's a scary thought. I'll call Hughes tomorrow to see if there's a chance I got an incorrect converter.
To kocuda: I did not change the filter or evewn take off the pan. As for setting up gauges, I'll have a tranny shop do that iof this goes that far.