Snakes in the grass

SEMA does a pretty good job lobbying to stop most of this type of over restrictive regulation.

All the regulations to date have been aimed at the paint suppliers and users that require a permit for there exhausts (i.e., large shops). Even if the worst case was to happen and hobbiests were banned from purchasing paint containg VOC you can already purchase water born paints that have no VOCs. The articles I have been reading on it (can't recall the brand name) regard it highly and the Duponts & PG's of the world will be close behind.

The guy that claims to own a body shop sounds like he is full of BS to me. Virtually all the body shops in my area won't even touch a hobbiest project. It ties up their facilities too long and they can charge enough to compare to what they can make on collison repairs. The few shops that do do this type of work have a 6 month or more waiting list to get into the shop. Can't imagine the body shop industry giving a darn about regulations to control hobbiests and in general would be against any regulation just simply because they have been impacted by them so much already.