Oil leaks
Seems like every seam on my slant is leaking oil..oil pan, oil pump, drool tubes, fuel pump, timing cover, you name it, it's leaking.
It's not a whole lot (just enough to get the engine dirty/wet).
The question is how should I go about getting all of the leaks buttoned up on my daily driver. Removing the engine is not an option ( for various reasons, ideal but not viable )
Should I start at the bottom and work my way up or start with the easy ones?
I understand that I should replace some of the gaskets at the same time (like oil pan, main seals and timing cover). I also understand that when it comes time to redo the engine I'll be doing it all over again, but I just can't stand the leaks for the next.. "insert however long it will take me to get around to it here " ...not looking forward to a long drawn out battle with leaks...or a battle with the wife about spots on the driveway..:angry7: