Is this where we should be shopping?

That is cool stuff, 2. I worked with a guy who worked at APG while in the Army in the late '50s. They were testing bullets to use in the future M16. Howie said that he could not understand how a .22 cal bullet could be lethal enough for military use; that is until someone explained to him the tumbling properties of the long projectile.

There used to be an armor museum on the north fork of Long Island in Mattituck. They had a Pzkw IV there and a huge amount of other stuff, including every type of small arm and uniform. They had to move to southern Virginia due to the need for more space and to avoid high overhead on LI. They had a line on a Tiger I from Russia when I was last there almost 20 years ago.

They found a Sherman E8 dozer tank that was once used at a state mental hospital to pull coal cars along a railroad track. The state was done using it in the early 1960s and simply buried it on site in the sand. The museum had heard rumors of it and did a lot of research to locate, purchase, and dig it up.