Newbie here...can't get clutch to disengage...
hi,another thought, is there a broken finger? what type pressure plate? next question, If you install a hyd system and still doesn't release? here's a thought, if the disc is in backwards, it will not spin or release no matter how far you depress pedal. I'd pull trans, and drop clutch out first, make sure there is nothing wrong. you didn't say which way the disc was in. the pressure plate is going to move about .080- .100 for release. most adjustment calls for .080 between disc and pressure plate, with pedal fully depressed. can you slip a .080 feeler gauge between disc and pressure plate or flywheel? I set my clutches with a feeler gauge thats the most accurate method. freeplay doesn't enter in this method. like other comment, pilot shaft could be bound up in back of crank.