Found Money!!!

If you're afraid to invest in precious metals, a short term CD would be the best return. A savings account, unless the exception to the rule, will always pay miserably compared to a CD. Shop the banks and see what they offer in the short term (short term because you want your money tied up for short periods right now....not long term....the dollar is too unstable).

In precious metals, platinum is the best buy by far right now.......poised to fly. Gold is only for long term investment. Silver runs at about 65% of it's recent high, but it is always poised for big gains when under $14. spot price.....right now it's $13+..............Buying and selling it can return you massive profits right's like a little roller coaster.

With precious metals you have to remember that it's supply/demand like any other commodity. With our economy going into the toilet, China refusing to buy our treasury bonds and Obama printing money, the dollar is going to crash and it won't be very long........that's why the G-20 is talking about a one-world currency (gee....I've heard that somewhere before.....). Precious metals are in HIGH demand, and there are shortages on many minted items.

It's no joke that not IF but WHEN the dollar goes down, and it will, your 10 grand will probably be fortunate to buy 1 grand of goods or less......other countries that have experienced such a devaluation have gone from that 10 grand to a few bucks......Mexico as an example.......when the Peso went down, they threw their cash into the streets and danced on it.....a bank bag of peso's could not buy a single donut....literally.

Do with the dollars what you want.....but you'd be wise to think this out very carefully. When economies crash, precious metals hold value, and usually skyrocket. Just be educated.

Use this link and study the precious metals markets.....look at the long term charts and see what's happened over the long and short terms. Good luck.