crank upside down
dug the hole through to China, but it got so hot in the center of the earth that the tires melted off and the Chinaman did not want to buy the Duster. (ONe guy wanted to turn it into a rickshaw, trade a bowl of fish heads and rice for it,told him it was an original 340 Duster Hemi orange until the paint melted off and originally owne by Chairman Mao...he didn't buy it or the Duster) Anyway coming back to America by sea. Dusters are real water-tight if you have all the body plugs in. I'm gonna put a propeller on the propeller shaft (some people call it a drive shaft) and motorboat back to Arkansas.
By the way I finally did get oil pressure, found out that the oil pan had a dent in it (somebody had apparently jacked-up the car on the oil pan and had caused the pick-up to be canted and sucking air)