Found Money!!!

"Buy Low, Sell High" is the understanding of most people But there is probably more money made by selling high and buying low than the other way around. I've got you scratching your heads now. You will need a margin account for this kind of trading. Lets say you sold stocks in B of A last year that you didn't own and then you waited and bought back last month the stocks you sold. You would have realized a very tidy profit from the fall the stocks tumbled in that year. The 52 week high was $42.25. The 52 week low was $2.53. Now if my math still works that would be a fall in price of $39.72 per share. So you sold 1000 share you didn't own. You have to borrow those shares form someone. The brokerage house takes care of that. You bought them back when they hit the low and repaid the people you borrowed them from. You would have made the difference of $39.72 X 1000. Everyone says that if they buy a stock it will surely go down. If it's going to go down then sell someone elses stock and buy back before it comes back up. Now isn't that simple. You really need big nuts.