Dis is My Ride!!!

Lol Demonseed,pat's definately been there ,you should see some of the pic's around his crib of the old time racecars and the kewl parts he makes,if were lucky he'll unveil one of his latest soon for ya'll to see,his brother is an inspiration when it comes to car crafting too with his wagon,it makes me drool!!!!Here,s pat playing with one of his homebuilt carb's for his bro's car and a pic of the demon and the waggin "grazing"
quote" Thanks. I guess I have bored some people! You and ramcharger seem to be the only readers. quote"

Don't worry Pat, ain't knowbody I know is being bored by your stories and besides Joe (ramcharger) has the forums permission to "smack" anyone in the head who comes on and says "I'm bored", right Joe.:yawinkle::yawinkle: Figureatively speaking of course.


