Dis is My Ride!!!

Thank you, hotmopr. Is that your Cuda getting air? I'm sure it is. I just love pictures like that! I am amazed how people appreciate my memories even when things weren't exactly rosie. I have been really blessed to have been born at just the right time and I feel those were the best of times. Through all the civil disobedience, civil rights marches and the Vietnam war, I was able to enjoy what I loved so much...the cars and yes, the music. There was no magic in my meeting all the people I did and sharing times with them. All I ever did was show myself friendly and they accepted that. Most people just wanted an autograph but I wanted to be friends and contribute something. So many of them are gone now and sometimes I wonder why I am still around. I've had a heart attack and battled cancer and I'm still making it a point to suck the marrow out of the bone of every day. It was nice to hear from you.