Quick question

One of the members on here (rjsjea) has a demon that I am digging the stance on. It looks really nice. I want kind of the same setup, but I have a 1966 Dodge Dart 277 Sedan. My question is, since I am not into racing, just into driving, is there a cost effective way of getting this stance with a smaller wheel size (16" or 17" preferred) without dropping $3500 on the AlterKtion kit?

Here is the link to rjsjea's Demon. They have the AlterKtion kit. I am not against the kit. Anything that improves handling and makes the car look better is a plus. But I just don't know where I am going to get $3500 for the suspension...also, for a kit like this what would need to be done in the rear to get the same look (the 4-link kit?)