im learning more each day. a few more questions

ok, tks that got a lot of them out of the way. still looking for the vacc hose. see any forums on vacc hose to vac tank routing?
Sorry, no.

the correct presure on the shifter down rod.. looks like you have to go about 7/8 full throtle to activate the rod. its 3/4 before it starts to move. it has a large slip area and does not move right away. is this correct? the set up is a little quick, or lacking thought on the new carb. i will prob do a more permanent fix after i figure out the right amount of play.
Not correct, very lacking, a more peranet fix is not needed later but RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!

The lever should apply pressure right away. Do not drive the car this way at all or ever, you WILL - BURN up the tranny quick, less than 20 miles or 20 min.s driving time will do it in dead.

well, they have a new bondo i hear, that will fill in and not crack. guess i could use that on. tks mike:thumbup:

Lead sub, not bondo.