Wandered here I love a bodys so might hang

pagilman said
glad to have you aboard, but you should be horse whipped for selling the GTS my dream car!!!!!!!!!! gilman :wack:

It started on a HOT day in '76 I saw a CHP and he started to his car I was running glass packs mounted to the headers and the small block was a little loud, I had at this point outran the CHP 4 time I thought I might press my luck a little more. Just to make it interesting I flipped the CHP the bird and nailed it. :finga:
I was clocked at 145 on the edge of town ( still in a 35 MPH but past any houses ) I out ran all the cops but the darn news copter found me the next county over. I ran low on gas and my first exwife had lost the key to the cap.
My uncle was a judge in the county I ran to and my mom worked for a local lawer, but the trial was in the county I started in. As it made the news and was a high profile case the Judge wanted to toss the book at me. My lawer had a plan I agreed that the car would be scrapped and I would spend 1 weekend in county, with a 6 month supended term and 3 years probation. I "scrapped" the GTS and then it was unscrapped and sold. I drove a 49 dodge truck for most of the probation... It was 12 years before the next ticket I got in Calif.

This was in 76 now I am :angel1: