Early A 22" radiator saddle
"64's came with 22 inch radiators, on in A/C cars..... with the two piece shroud as well..."
"I could be wrong, but I don't think so. The opening in the radiator support is not large enough for a 22 in radiator. How did they install the 22 rad, in a 19 in opening?"
I tend to agree with Charlie S. Both the 64 Barracuda's I have here have 19" radiator openings. I don't think AC was offered as a factory option on A bodies until 1965. I may be wrong. I have a 1964 Barracuda brochure that mentions AC as an option, but shows no pictures of it & all 64's with AC that I've seen were Dealer installed under dash units. I think it was called "Chrysler Air-Temp" or something like that. I've got one out in my shop.