Jack on the rocks.

I can't drink whiskey anymore. Threw it up through my nose too many times, and now just smelling the cap off a bottle of Jack makes me heave.

Southern Comfort!!!

I was 17, I helped a guy build a pump house and he paid me with a 5th of SoCo, for some dumbass reason I chugged the whole thing in about 3 mins, 45 mins later my friends are ready to take me to the ER, I stand up, walk to the bathroom (my friends say it looked like Buggs Bunny trying to walk drunk hitting all the furniture) I puked for about 4 hours then went to my buddies bed and passed out. I woke up some time during the night, puked on his pillow, wiped it off with one of his socks, poured a whole bottle of Brute cologne on it, flipped it over and pass out again.
To this day if I am at a bar and someone has a drink with SoCo in it I start to gag.