Brought the Demon home tonight!!!

For those of you that have been following the saga of the Demon along, I finally pulled the trigger and bought the car today. For those who haven't, check out this thread...

When I got over there to pick it up, the guy had installed the new master cyl and bled the brakes. He said the water pump was now leaking, but by the time I got it home it wasn't. The clutch is shot, and it has some other little bugs that need to be worked out, but overall, I very happy with the purchase!

My buddy and I took it back to work and just did a preliminary clean up and I think she's lookin pretty good. Here are a couple of pics and a link to the whole photobucket page if you want to see them all.

Thanks to everyone who convinced me that buying this car was a good idea. I think it's going to be a fun little summer car!!