5 or 6 speed conversions??

Thanks for the suggestion on checking out slantsix.org as I didn't even know there was such a site. (kind of new to /6's) Cool site but finding the info on the conversions has been a crap shoot so far. All I have found so far is just little pieces here and there with no concise overall plan on what needs to be done. I'll keep reading and searching.

I know. Lou Madsen (Dart270) has been working on a complete article for the swap for the last few years, and I've pestered him as much as I feel comfortable without ticking him off. I hope to meet him at the big national slant gathering in Kearney, NE this August, where I'd feel more comfortable hassling him in person. ;)

The hardest part, to me at least, is fabricating a crossmember. You need to know how to weld, or know a buddy who can do it for you. Personally, I'd feel a lot better with a template to work from. Maybe someday...

Like most major mods on a slant, it ain't easy. It takes a lot of research, patience, and tenacity. slantsix.org is your best ally. Whether it's all worth it or not is up to you.