Worst body job ever

Oh I don't do that for a living any more thank gosh,I jump around as much as possible doing what I can to put these old cars back to life.I can;t breath all that stuff no more than I have too.I hope the best for him on this but without pic's and price it would be hard to say one way or another.it sounds like at least 3000$ worth of work here in the states depending on how much body work was involved,but it wouldn't be going away without wetsanding and buffing and the panels aligned,and that would be just the labor,but you can bet he'd be able to pop his hood anywhere he wanted to.thats why Im a grasemonkeyelecticianbodyworkinpartsfabricatinfixyurlawnmowerandwashingmachineandmowyuryardandpickupsomegrocery's kinda guy!!!cause I aint breathin that crap everyday of my life no mo!It ain't worth it!!!