Incompetence Rant
Is it me or does everyone want top dollar for a half assed job these days! Ive yet to be happy with work Ive had other people do on my car. I had a wheel alignment done after all the front end components were replaced and they did it with the lower control arms sitting on the bump stops. I paid a glass company way too much money to pop my windshield in to a freshly painted frame with new clips. The job took 20 minutes and cost over $200 and it leaks! After I tow my car three hours home from the body shop I notice they chipped the new paint on both lower corners of the rear window while popping the chrome on. The new tires I had installed had slow leaks, Ive had defective new parts. Anything made in china has been utter garbage. No wonder our economy is in the toilet as everyone wants top buck and takes no pride in their work. I guess if you want it done right you do it yourself.