Worst body job ever

Oh joy... more paint issues... this seems to be such a common occurence in restorations. If ya cant do it yourself..well.. then your at the mercy of what someone else can do... or say they can do. I got totally burned on mine... lucky it was caught before painted... but at least it was caught. The 2nd shop did a top notch job cleaning up the mess and laying some nice paint.

Here is how I see it. After the pic I do see a nice uneven body panel. HOWEVER... there is alot of heresay and who know type stuff that wont get relayed here. I think that letting it escalate to a higher level isnt helping a thing on the site. Maybe take the conversation to private messages. I would hate to start judging someones work without the absolute knowledge of what was supposed to be done. Here is what I do know. If you have NOTHING in writing and signed as to how "Straight" and what was to be done on the car you have nothing and I mean nothing to stand on. I lost $4000.00 bucks in a situation like that for body work. One persons "straight" might be anothers persons "showcar finish". Its all heresay. Good luck to both sides...try to see each others point of views and not let it get too nasty.