Worst body job ever

Not to pick sides here but I was quoted $10K to get mine done, that was rolling in a bare shell.

The car has NO rust issues or panels to replace, some minor dings, it's basically a sand and re-paint, and yes I got quoted for a near perfect job.

But see for yourself what he would have to start with, those pics were taken last spring.


Feel free to browse, as there's some under hood and trunk shots.
Do you think there's $10k worth of work there (bare shell).
That in my opinion is the price you have to pay today, to have the job done right (near perfect).

He could've quoted me alot less, $3K'ish, but that woul've been a standard sand and budget paint job.

Hourly rates and cost of mat'l, adds up rather quickly.

I'm not sure if I put a level to my factory (undented door) if I wouldn't see a run. I'd have to check.

That paint does look really nice! Maybe not perfect in the drip rail...

Again I'm not picking sides, and I don't know what you paid. I'm just letting you know what I was quoted, to do a great job.

All the best!