Worst body job ever

I read this entire thread feeling a little for both parties, then left it and found myself thinking about it too much so I have to jump in here aswell. #1 I thought the purpose of this entire forum was to share helpful information towards the use and restorations of these cars we all seem to care so much about, not smear another members family. I gotta believe by titleing the thread "worst ever" you were hoping for some member support in searching how to handle the unsatisfied feelings for the job. The reality is it sounds like the shop did want to make things right with the reworked body panel and any reshoot is never as good as original shoot for color match ect. You say that other shops have done better for less, .... than why did you switch to someone else!? And if around here paint is everything than wouldn't you want to spend a little more and get a little more! This whole thing sounds like a breakdown in communication as to what the customer wanted versus what they got. Upstate, you put the responsibility on the shop and I disagree. It is up to the customer to be clear with the shop what they are wanting, hence the differences in price per jobs. Customer says to me; I haven't got much money or I can't afford or do the best you can for $4000.00 versus I want concourse show winning .... What will it cost?.... alot more than $4000.00. If all that was discussed , different story. It seems snake is an experienced car guy and some quick math, you would know about what your getting and maybe should have had some reservations, especially if paint is everything. No this isn't the place for this conversation , snake opens the thread with threats to sue. If I were the shop owner I'd send back the money and then sue for public slander. I hope both parties can step back and take care of each others needs and we can get back to cars!