Worst body job ever

Ya know, I just cannot believe that this thread is still going. I' made my decision on this whole deal a few days ago. You get what you pay for. To accept the work that was done and then bring it up this much later is just stupid. This issue should have been brought up right away with the guy who did the work. You were obviously happy with it or you would not have brought it home. And to bring it up this much later after the fact, and totally dog on this guy that actually did you a favor is uncool. I went and looked at your pictures in your gallery, you got a damn good job for $4,000 in my opinion. Of course, this is just my opinion. You should have NEVER brought this up now. I trully hope that you have learned something on this whole deal. And you paid way too much for the car to begin with in my opinion. But these are my opinions. I felt for you at first. Then I had to do a little investigating. And plus you didn't even post any pictures for a while. And the ones you did post just dont work to your advantage. These are my opinions.