It will go in this weekend!!!!!

Hey, this hobby (or business, depending on who you are) is a constant state of learning. I use straight 30, because it's there, and I always have..(well, I used to use 20-50, but having 90psi of OP when cold kind of bugged me..) I'm not out to convert somebody, just passing along what I've found to be true. Dont know anything about barleys, except they arent I was ASE certified in all automotive excetp A/C for years, and stopped wrenching for a living 3 years ago. (I had stopped for a while, then got back into it) I also havent ever lost a cam. Probably from dumb luck, but I pay more attention now than I ever did to lifters rotating, inner springs left out, cam lube, and oil type. Most manufacturers now spec 5-30. It's for milage and emmisions reason..the zink helped hurt convetor performance on emmissions vehicles, and isnt needed with roller tappets or lash adjusters. Now, they simply use coatings, and hyper pistons to limit the slop in the bores that let oil past the rings. Oil lowers octane, and can hurt performnce by inducing pinging, so the computers pull out timing. More emmisions, less economy. Drive a Ram with a leaking intake gasket..You'll know what I So, they cut it out. You can add it back, with the GM additive (EOS), or, buy racing oil that will still have it in there..But those are not the typical cheap oil you find. deisel or fleet is still cheapo, but has the zink still in it. The big furnaces still need the anti wear performance, and the extra detergents. As I said,keep doing what you do if it works..No sweat here. Its all about opinions.