almost free rust removal using battery charger and washing soda?

This method works, and is dirt cheap. I have even used it to take corrosion off very old silver spoons, coins etc.
I use a 30 liter Rubber Maid plastic bin. A 2 inch by 1/8 inch metal strap is hung over one side to which the positive battery clamp attaches. The negative clamp attaches to the part being cleaned via a wire and metal bar across the top of the bin. I use four cups of washing soda per 30 liters as a start, and adjust the ratio to get the best cleaning.
I also use a large charger that can fast charge, as well as slow charge. I blast off thick rust with a high amp fast charge, then lower the amps as the bare metal starts to show. With this method get ready for some boiling water in the bin, as it will heat up pretty fast, but the results are worth it. do some test pieces before you start on the vintage stuff just to find out how far and hard you can push the process.

Now if you want even better cleaning, at a slower rate, build yourself a fluidized sand bed cleaner.