64 Dart needs new muffage

It sucked.
I was getting on the freeway onramp (uphill) and my lil 64 Dart 270 hesitated, nearly stalled, then BOOOM!!. It was the loudest backfire I ever heard, and it was mine.
Needless to say I had blown the lid off the front end of my muffler, not completely, just the top and bottom edges, and you can imagine how it sounds now. (Well, it's kinda cool.)
But the point is, I need to get me a new muffler, and wonder what you might suggest. My car is pretty much stock, but something that wont hinder the performance too much would be nice, something that still offers reasonable noise suppression.
I once put a "Cherry Bomb" on my 69 Fury, and it was cool, but maybe too loud. (This Cherry Bomb was like a short muffler, not one of those skinny ones I think I saw once)
Any thoughts.