Old school Nascar history, pictures

Hi Everyone.

I have been in Modesto, Ca, for the last week visiting my wifes family.

My brother in law's step dad passed away a few weeks ago

His step dad was Jack McCoy.

Some of you may have heard of him, for those that havent, he had been racing since the 50's, and raced Winston West from 64-74.

He took his cars around to the Fruit Yard and the college in Modesto, he ran McCoy Tires in the Valley too.

He wrote a book called Racings Real McCoy, pretty interesting if you find it. He also ran the Cannonball Run in 75, coming in second.

We went to his storage shop to sort out the cars between my brother and law and Ernie Conn yesterday.

His 69 Daytona was there, his 2 50 Dodges, and a bunch of other stuff.

He also has Ray Elders 71 Charger, and Bobby Issac's 71 Charger.

He is selling a 70 Chrysler 300H, he has a new 300C, that is totaled but the hemi is still good, and he has 3 Australian Hemi 6's he will sell, one is mine, but he will sell the other two.

I guess they have some kind of Nascar/sportscar meet at Sears Point in a month or so. They are planning to bring all the cars to make a lap of the track

I need to resize my pictures or post them somewhere, cause i think they are too big.

But i have some good ones of his Daytona, which is beautiful, its loud as hell, and i got to sit in it. Let me know if anyone wants copies.

The image uploads failed, i will post them somewhere and post the links
