Were Devistated - Sad Read

Well for those of you that have followed our Adoption.(See Adoption Thread in this catorgory) We adopted 3 of the best girls anyone could EVER have. Last Wed the 29th OC Calf took the girls back. ALL because of a Judge and the SW's having a pissing match and the Girls and Us loose. We would have been home free and finalized in 2 more months.
Found out we have NO rights to appeal or anything. What a bunch of CRAP.
Thanks for listening,
O my god Frank :pale: You and the Misses must be devastated :( I had the pleasure to meat the children and I am feeling your pain :sad: How can they do this to you and the three girls :angryfir:
The sistem is Friggen F!!!! up to yank these children around like this.
I am saddened to here this has happen to you and your wife and the children this morning Bud :sad7::sad7: What is the world coming to, when all they do is move the children around and brake good folk's harts, Make me want to get on the phone to the powers that made this happen and give them a peace of my mind :argue:. I wish I new the words to settle yalls harts Frank, This is going to be hard to put behind you and your wife.:shock:
My prayers go out to you and the misses Frank, and to the three girls.
I guess I don't under stand :angry1: This is a crazy world we live in, and the system is making life terrible on yall and the children.
I am sad to here this Frank, Take it one day at a time bud.